Tuesday, September 13, 2011

China Diva's personal list of the "essentials"

China Diva's  personal list of the 'essentials'

Rita Malvone  
  • Get your visa paperwork done quickly -- force the expediting with China HR and US HR… the final VISA is the only thing standing in the way of your acceptance bonus, and the pre-move costs are crazy big (lots of purchases, moving, etc… add up quickly!)
  • For Nanjing -you need a RAISED SEAL-STAMPED letter from your police station stating your criminal record or lack thereof… unstamped will be returned.
  • You need a photo copy of your diploma
  • Bring home cordless phones from the US - they're really expensive here
  • Get vaccinated for Japanese Envisilitis before you come if you think you'll need it.  It is no longer available in China
  • Buy all travel books before you come - they are crazy expensive here!
  • Get an alarm clock in the US at the global store - you can't find them here.
  • Buy an ooma (phone), slingbox/vulkano (tv), I-pad and set them up before you come -- it makes life easier
  • Wireless routers are cheap here and for some reason none of the ones brought from the US work
  • Pack a flashlight in your luggage
  • Pack all medicine in your suitcase, not your carry-on.  NOT in the Sea or Air.  Bring any allergy meds, etc you think you'll want. 
  • Mac and Cheese is impossible to find - if your child likes it, buy it before you go
  • Palmer will tell you that food has to appear as if it is in your pantry… so unpack the bulk buys from Costco and set them in a closet.
  • No aerosol in sea/air - only in your luggage
  • Deodorant, shaving cream, etc are incredibly expensive here - bring it from the US… all health and beauty, really, should come from the US
  • Cereal, Peanut butter and other US products are incredibly expensive here - and ship very well
  • BYOTP - bring your own toilet paper -- enough for your time here… there's been an outbreak of thrush tied to the TP in China
  • BYOPT - bring your own paper towels -- the ones here stink (in fact, we're adding them to our list to have you bring if you don't mind!)
  • Move into a hotel for the first 2-3 nights -- you'll thank me.  Every one of us had something "missing" or wrong -- one person's landlady was still living in her home!
  • If you want to use an existing Blackberry, Droid, I-phone, etc.. Get it unlocked before you come.  Otherwise, the I-phone package is REALLY good.
  • Move before the 15th of the month -- definitely financially better for you
  • There is an IKEA here, so don't get worried…it matches the one in the Canton
  • If you can, pack sheets in your luggage… it'll be 3 weeks until your air shipment arrives
  • Laundry detergent, cleaning products, etc are all avialable here.
  • Negotiate satellite/internet into your contract
  • Water is really cheap - a dispenser can be installed immediately