Chris Kuchel
Senior Regional Purchasing Manager - Body and Exterior
When we first arrived in Nanjing it was a major culture shock. You can't get everything you get at home, things don't work the same as at home, you have late-night conference calls every week, etc. Some things you get used to and there's no issue, while others will always annoy you. If you focus on these things, you will never be happy. Once we recognised the number of really good things available here that we wouldn't get back home, we were happy. So, we have a comfortable house and someone else does the gardening, we get weekly massages, have our children babysat most Saturday nights so we can go out, and we travel to exotic places many times every year.
A few illustrations. We're from Australia so it takes forever and costs the earth to get anywhere. Our four year old has already been to 15 countries. In the last 12 months, our family has visited Thailand, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, US and Canada. We would never have been able to experience that otherwise.
Since we have a housekeeper and the compound we live in is fully serviced, it means that our weekends are focused on friends and family. Friday night is often very quiet for us, but Saturdays and Sundays typically consist of heading out for a walk or bike riding, play with the kids in the park, play on the Wii, swimming in Summer, shopping as required, catching up with friends or getting a meal out.
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